DJAZINVEST > Our Services > Capital raising

Capital raising

if you want to go fast go alone. if you want to go far go together
- African Proverb -

We contact our network of investments funds, private equities, private debt funds and local family offices in order to propose financing solutions for our customer’s projects according to their preferred capital structuration.

We structure debt and/or equity financing for our client’s business needs in order to help them achieve long-term success. By identifying, negotiating and choosing the right local financial partners we contribute to  maximize shareholders’ value for our customers and company growth potential.

If you believe your project provides enough added-value in term of knowledge and/or technology transfer for Algeria, we will help you apply for such funding in order to accelerate your growth in the country.

Check if your company fits to our criteria

Investment criteria

We work with established SMEs/Corporation in our investment focus areas that have a convincing growth thesis, clear focus and a compelling competitive advantage. We also look for owner-managed businesses that are approaching a new critical juncture and preparing to scale up.

Typically, this is the type of deals we are looking for :

Small & Medium company

Company size : 675 to 6750 Mio DZD
(€ 5 to 50 M)
  • Capital raised : 350 - 1650 Mio DZD
  • Type of deal : Buy-and-build
  • Type of deal : LBO / Recap

Large Corporation

6750 Mio and above
(> € 50 M)
  • Capital raised : Min. 1350 Mio DZD
  • Type of deal : Rollout
  • Type of deal : Growth equity
  • Sector agnostic
  • Debt/equity financing
  • International & local investment funds

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